First-time Visitors - Welcome!
Worship Services
Every church has its own style of worship. We think you’ll  enjoy the services at Abiding Peace Lutheran Church, but as in any church you should expect it to take a couple of Sundays to become accustomed to our way of praising God. We follow a liturgy that guides us through worship together.
The services focus on readings from the Bible. There we hear God talk to us. Music and singing are an important part of our services too. Loud or soft, in monotone or rich harmony, all our praises are music to God.
Sometimes people wonder how they are expected to dress at a church they’ve never visited before.
Since the Bible presents no dress code, aside from simple decency and Christian humility, Abiding Peace doesn’t make any rules either.
During any service at our church you may see running shoes and high heels, jeans and suits, or open collars and ties.  When a person dresses out of love for God, the choice of dress – casual or more formal – is acceptable to God and, therefore, also to us.
cross of light“When will they take the offering?” “How will it be collected?”  “How much am I expected to give?”  “Do they want visitors to contribute too?”  These are typical worries about church offerings.

The Bible teaches that our offerings to God should reflect our belief that all we have is His gift to us. It teaches us that with our offerings we worship and honor God.
Like most Christians, our members bring offerings to God through their church. Since offerings are gifts of love for God, no one dictates what each person is to give. We pass an offering plate during the service so that our worship may include bringing gift to God. (Offering envelopes are available to keep our gifts a private matter.)
A child may bring the quarters and dimes his parents give him. Someone older may write a check. Both are remembering Jesus and giving their gift out of love for him.
Please do not feel obligated to make an offering. You may wish to learn more about our ministry before bringing your offerings to God through our church. But you are welcome to participate as your heart leads you to give.
Other Common Concerns

“I would just die if they made me stand up and say something.” We assure you, we won’t embarrass you in this or any other way. We want you to feel comfortable and at home with us. Church should be an enjoyable and uplifting experience. We promise to do all we can so you can learn about your Savior.
“I know my child is going to be too noisy.” Your child is welcome at our worship because children are an important part of the body of Christ. Children are “children”; if they become restless feel free to take your child to the nursery anytime during the service. You may stay there with them and continue to listen to the service or, if you feel comfortable, leave your child with the volunteer while you return to the worship area.
“I know I will feel out of place.” We hope this information will ease some of your concerns, but if you have a question, please ask the usher or person in the pew next to you for help. Don’t hesitate to say, “I am new. What is this about?” We are a growing congregation, and many of our members are also new.
“I just want to watch for now, I’m worried that they will try to involve me or sign me up.” It is unpleasant to be pressured into things. We believe that church membership should be a voluntary thing, and that the most important things is to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation. It takes time for this to be cultivated. People need time to evaluate and decide if they wish further involvement. We believe we should respect that need.
“I don’t know that much about the Bible.” Bible Information Class and Sunday Bible Class give extra opportunities to grow in our knowledge of the Bible and faith in Jesus. You won’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to answer. Just come and listen – you won’t regret it.
A Final Thought from Our Pastor
"I pray that this has helped answer some of your questions and alleviate many of your fears. Our congregation’s goals are quite simple: we want to grow in our faith and share that faith with people like you. Everything we do is meant to accomplish these two goals. I pray that there is nothing that stands in your way from learning more about your Savior.
Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do for you. (864-288-4867)
God’s blessings to you, and I look forward to seeing you in worship, or feel free to stop in anytime here at church."
- Pastor Duane Rodewald
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