Online Giving

Abiding Peace is pleased to offer online giving powered by Vanco Payment Solutions, a trusted name in online giving for churches.

Abiding Peace members and guests may make one-time or recurring donations using the form below or by installing the "Vanco Mobile" mobile app on your Apple or Android smartphone. You may donate to the church's General Fund and/or any of the special funds listed below.

A login is required if you would like to make recurring donations or if you would like the system to remember your bank account information and online giving history for you. Please select the "Sign In/Sign Up" link below to create a new a new account or to access your existing account. Your same username/password may be used when making a donation using this web page or the mobile app.

More tips:
  • Enter dollar amounts only in the form below, e.g. 50, not 50.00
  • Click on the menu icon in the upper left (3 lines) for additional functionality